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Chia Seeds vs. Flaxseeds – Which is Going to Be Your Favorite?

Like many seeds, chia seeds and flaxseeds are climbing the popularity ladder. They can be integrated into delicious recipes and provide you with a variety of nutrients. But which is better? Together, we’ll try to settle the chia seed vs. flaxseed debate.

Both are plant-based proteins but also contain fiber and other nutrients, making these seeds a great snack or the proverbial cherry on top of your cake when added to your meals. 

There are countless seeds for you to try, such as:

  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Flaxseeds
  • Hemp seeds
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Chia seeds
  • Sesame seeds

To keep your salt intake in check, it’s best to consume seeds unsalted. While you can easily grab a handful of some seeds on-the-go, others also make for a good addition to your smoothie or breakfast pudding, like the legendary chia seed pudding.

For now, let’s look into 2 of the most favored seeds out there and determine which we’ll try next. Chia seeds vs. flaxseeds – let’s go!

chia seeds

All There is to Know About Chia Seeds 

Ever wondered why everybody is suddenly eating chia seeds, recommending chia seeds, and incorporating chia seeds into meals, oatmeal, and everything in between?

You’ve guessed correctly. There is a reason.

While the chia seed’s black and/or white color might not be overly inviting, the seed can supply you with a ton of nutrients. On their own, chia seeds have very little flavor, which is why they’re usually served in combination with fruits or as a bonus to your morning oats.

Just like flaxseeds, chia seeds can be used ground or whole, however, whole seeds, in particular, tend to require some in-advance soaking. This allows the seeds to soften for easier consumption. 

But in order to determine who makes the chia seed vs. flaxseed race, let’s dive deeper into the secrets of these magnificent seeds.

How It All Started: The History of the Chia Seed 

The resilient chia seed has been around for millennia. Yes, you heard correctly – MILLENNIA.

This may seem surprising as it’s only been a decade or so that people have been jumping on the chia-seed-wagon. But it’s true, chia seeds have in fact been around for a very long time.

Originally from Central America, the Aztecs were the ones to introduce this astonishing seed to the world. This ancient civilization may have not come up with the recipe for chia seed pudding but found many uses for the chia seed – including religious ones.¹

After spreading to Mexico, chia seeds sadly became forgotten for a while but eventually regained popularity and were commercialized. Commerce included many countries outside of Central America that began to grow and export chia seeds due to this increased demand.

Nutrition: Chia Seed Facts 

Chia seeds are nutrient-dense seeds – per serving they have:

  • Plant-based omega-3 fatty acids
  • 4 g of Dietary Fiber per serving
  • 2 g of Protein per serving
  • 6% Daily Value (DV) of Calcium per serving

In fact, one 12 gram serving of chia seeds can provide you with 4% DV of iron and even 2% DV of potassium. 

chia seeds pudding

Recipe for Chia Seed Pudding 

Did you just build up an appetite for chia seeds too? Good – because we got one of the most popular chia seed recipes for you.

Our favorite recipe for chia seed pudding is from Feel Good Foodie.

Ingredients for our fav chia seed pudding recipe:

  • 2 tablespoons of chia seeds
  • ½ a cup of almond milk or other dairy alternative
  • Honey or agave if desired

Chia seeds have the ability to soak up a ton of liquid and grow significantly in size. Depending on the texture you prefer, feel free to play around with the chia seed to milk ratio.

Add the chia seeds to the milk and let the mixture sit in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours or ideally overnight. If you like your chia seed pudding sweetened, you can add honey or another sweetener to the mixture.

We recommend adding fruit on top of the chia seed pudding instead of sweetening the mixture though for some delightful freshness. Any fruit will do but strawberries are particularly yummy. Enjoy!


All There is to Know About Flaxseeds 

Flaxseeds are similar to chia seeds in many ways, complementing your breakfast and snack, and making a great plant-based protein addition to your salad with dinner.

You can buy flaxseeds whole or ground, use them in baked goods, or work them into your smoothie topping bar. Having a brownish color, flaxseeds provide a nice nutty flavor.

How It All Started: The History of the Flaxseed 

Flaxseeds are yet another ancient seed that has been around for thousands of years. Dating back as far as ancient Rome and Greece, flaxseeds were initially used to feed livestock.2

Interestingly flax also played a role in the traditions of Ancient Egypt. Flax was used to fabricate linen that has been found in the tombs of Egyptian pharaohs.3

Commercialized flaxseeds are cultivated in many countries and are available in various forms. Besides seeds, whether you prefer ground or whole seeds, you can also buy flaxseed oil in bottles or encapsulated in softgels as dietary supplements.

Flaxseeds are also popular in the kitchen as countless recipes for flaxseeds have emerged over the years. Including using them as an egg substitute. 

Nutrition: Flaxseed Facts 

Still losing thought over the big chia seed vs. flaxseed question? Let’s see how the nutritional facts compare.

Among others, ground flaxseeds per serving have:

  • 11% DV of Dietary Fiber
  • 3 g of Protein
  • 4% DV of Calcium
  • 4% DV of Iron

One serving of ground flaxseeds, which is just 2 tablespoons (15 g), also provides plant-based omegas - 5 g of Polyunsaturated Fats. It makes an easy plant-based protein and omega 3, 6 & 9 option for vegetarians and vegans alike.

recipes for flaxseeds

Recipes for Flaxseeds

Flaxseeds are versatile, there’s a huge number of recipes – from breakfast to dinner to snacks and dessert.

Whether it’s flaxseed pancakes in the morning, flaxseed cookies for your sweet tooth, or smoothies with flaxseeds as a snack, you’ll most definitely find something you’ll like. Particularly ground flaxseeds can be added easily to just about every meal out there.

Chia Seed vs. Flaxseed – Which Makes the Race? 

Now you know everything there is to know about chia seeds and flaxseeds. Do you have a favorite yet?

Obviously, when talking chia seed vs. flaxseed, there are many similarities. From their nutrition to the way they developed over time, chia seeds and flaxseeds aren’t all that different.

Both ancient seeds, chia seeds and flaxseeds are commercialized today making them easily accessible and very popular – reaching superfood status in most of the Western world. You can use both in various types of recipes and easily integrate them into your diet.

Chia seed vs. flaxseed – which one will you be trying next?

chia seed vs flaxseed

Join in on the Chia Seed vs. Flaxseed Debate 

Are you ready to try these ancient super-seeds? 

They certainly make for a unique addition to your meals and allow you to mix things up a bit. And don’t you just love nutrient-dense foods that can brighten your day and provide nutritional value?

Both our Chia Seeds and Ground Flaxseeds are:

  • Sources of Dietary Fiber
  • USDA Certified Organic
  • Non-GMO Project Verified
  • Kosher and Gluten Free Certified 
  • Certified Paleo and Keto

Our chia seeds are a great plant-based protein option and our flaxseeds are a great vegan option for omegas 3, 6 & 9.

Only question remaining now is which one’s going to be it for you? 


  1. Chia and the Aztecs.Retrieved August 29, 2022.
  2. Flaxseed. Retrieved August 5, 2022.
  3. Flaxseed. Retrieved August 5, 2022.